

The Ironworks Premium membership plan is the best value on the Eastside!


Monthly Memberships/Monthly Dues**


Monthly Dues: $56.99*

  • No initiation fees with a 5-month Agreement

  • *Special at point of sale. Family member add-on price.

  • **Plus Washington State Sales Tax @ 10.0%

Term Memberships/Gym**

1 Day: $20.00

1 MONTH: $95.00

3 MONTHS: $229.00

6 MONTHS: $289.00

1 YEAR: $489.00*

  • *Annual Renewal Rate After One Year $439.00

  • **Plus Washington State Sales Tax @ 10.0%

Corporate Memberships**

Applied to COMPANIES with 6 or more people

Monthly Dues: $39.99*


Membership Pause Policy:

AFT: Month-to-month memberships must be paused for a maximum of 2 months.

Pause only once per membership.

1-Year Term: 1-year terms must be paused for at least 2 months. 

No Pauses Can be Issued for 1, 3, or 6-month terms memberships*

Cancellation Policy:

AFT: Cancellation will only be accepted if you do one of the following: 

  1. Come in person and sign off on your membership card

  2. Send us a signed and dated handwritten letter stating your cancellation 

*No Cash Refunds